Monday, July 29, 2013

The King of Kings

For two-thousand years the story of a life and death has altered the world’s perception of life and death. The story of a Jewish carpenter from an ancient city, betrayed by a friend, and executed by the state for being the King of Kings. The man, Jesus the Christ, whose story is the most compelling and well-known story ever told. In fact, it has come to be known as the “Greatest Story Ever Told” by so many and not one word written by the man himself.

My questions for the faithful; How is it that you can or claim to love God who you cannot see, yet you cannot love the man who you can see and not transfer the teachings of Christ to the living human being? Why are so many wars fought in the name of God, when it is surely not his design to kill, maim, and visit devastation upon the souls of man?

It is said, “We walk by faith, not by sight” and that “faith is believing true that which is unseen”. We believe in spite of the many versions rewritten by conquers and false images created to depict the Holy deity as a white European man painted by Michael Angelo. When history tells us there was no word GOD in any African language before the coming of Europeans!

I will tell you that there were only two peoples living in that region of the world during the time of Christ. One would have been Roman and the other would have been African in a place known as Palestine, not Israel. In fact that was the first lie of Christianity that Jesus was not black and the second was that the foundation of the story was recorded thousands of years before this man’s birth.

It is believed that he raised the dead, walked on water, fed the poor, and healed the sick. All of which was written by others after his death much in the same way man created this place called “Hell”. This brings me back to religion that resembles nothing like what Jesus taught while he walked among us. Many tend to wrap themselves in the clichés of the “Word” and take every word literally while they give to the greedy and not the needy.

Let’s be clear religion is a business used as a mental tool of man. Jesus said he will return and if he were to visit your church – you would not let him in? If I offend anyone – sorry – but being a Christian is more than posting cute religious pictures with bible verses on your Facebook wall and Instagram!

My Grandfather told me, when I asked as a young boy; what would happen when we get to heaven. He told me Christians will get three surprises when they reach heaven. (1) They will be surprised who they see when they get there. (2) They will be surprised who they don’t see when they get there and (3) they will be surprised if the make it there themselves.

All Jesus asked of us was to “Give Each Other LOVE!” And that is my Thought Provoking Perspective…

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